Lussja Elessina
Люся Елесина
Freunde.Друзья Люси

Lussja Elessina, an artist, was born in a village in Vologodskaya region. Since 12 years old she studied in a Special Art School named after B. Ioganson in Leningrad. In the school her talent was first recognized when she was awarded Certificate of II degree during the All-Union competition for the work called “To the Baths” (“V banyu”). On finishing school she studied in the Institute of Art, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Repin of Art Academy (the studio of monumental art of the national artist of the USSR, academician A.A. Melnikov), which in 1985 she graduated from with honours. Since 1988 she has been a member of Union of Artists of Russia.

Having run more than 50 Russian and foreign exhibitions, being a bursar of Mariinskij Theatre’s Fund of Curators, Lussja Elessina participated in a telemarathon “Renascence of St. Petersburg”. From the 13 personal exhibitions the one held in Rumyantzevskiy Mansion of the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg exposed the biggest number of her works – 130 oil, water-color and tempera paintings. Elessina works a lot with private orders (collaboration with Museum of Ethnology, Museum of Military Medicine, Municipality Tartu, creation of mosaic panel “World and Creation” for one of the state farms of Kazakhstan, permanent and active contacts with art galleries of Europe and USA). Porcelain paintings, book illustrations has supplemented the range of her art practices while the membership in the art union Kunstverein Glinde, groups “Artel” and “Krautis Freunde” has enlarged the sphere of her professional relations. Elesina participated in Hamburg’s festival of brother-cities Hamburg and St. Petersburg. The personal exhibitions in Parkresidenz “Alstertal”, in Sonke-Nissen-Park Stiftung, in one of Russian churches of Hamburg, in st. Paul church in Altona provoked much public interest and many comments in the press.

Presently, Lussa Elessina as well as her family, makes efforts to restore St. Iliya Prorok church in Verhnevazhskij area in Vologodskaya region.

The paintings by Elessina are kept in private collections in Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, USA, Russia and other countries. They are present in the collections of Art Academy, Exhibition Center of Artists Union of Russia, in the collection of modern art of Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, Charity Fund of Mariinskij Theatre, Museum of history of St. Petersburg, Ministry of Culture in Moscow as well as in the Museum of local lore of Verhovazhje and Art Gallery of Vologda.


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